Join us again for Sue’s second part on Art History. Sue is returning by popular demand for her Lecture on Modern Art to 1950’s
My name is Susan Linn, and I am a full-time Elementary and High School teacher in Orange County. I work in a private school, which allows me the flexibility to teach Elementary, Jr. High, and High School art and history for the past 26 years. I originally started and still work with a program known as Meet the Master’s. This program is comprised four age-appropriate artistic levels which introduces K-6th graders to seven famous, and different artists/artistic styles each year. I have had the privilege to instill a love for the arts in thousands of my students throughout the years and continue to do so. We have students whose works are entered into the Orange County Arts for All, which features over 1000 works yearly at South Coast Plaza/Crystal Court and some are then chosen to be judged and shown at the Festival of the Arts in Laguna Beach each year.
I currently spend most of my day in high school and work for the College Board teaching Advanced Placement (College Level) AP Art History, AP European History, and AP World History for over 24 years. I am hired by the Educational Testing Board (ETS) as a Reader, to grade AP Exams each year. I serve as the Department Head for thirteen Jr. High and High School teachers. I oversee 30 different Electives from the International Space Station, Robotics, PE, Music (Regular Band, Drumline, Pep Band, & Guitar), Computer Graphics & AP Computer Science Principles, Media, Creative Writing, Art- both Drawing and Painting along with AP Studio Art in 2D, Criminology, Digital Photography and Yearbook. These courses all meet the A-G college requirements for UC’s and Cal-State schools.
I have also led a dozen student and adult custom tours (2 to 3 weeks in summer) to the East Coast and Europe, where I specialize in taking my groups to the various tourist destinations, and those off the beaten track. Understanding the purpose of architecture, painting and sculpture in the world makes history come alive. Both my husband Tim and I have also traveled extensively and continue to do so.
I am fortunate to love what I do and do what I love. I stumbled into the Arts quite unexpectedly, after starting out in the Sciences. I believe that art has a universal language, purpose and can unite people from all walks of life. My goal is to be an instrument/vehicle to help my students develop an understanding, along with a global appreciation for the various artists and artistic styles in the world in which we live.
My thanks to the Associated Artists of the Inland Empire for allowing me to be your guest today, and I look forward to our time together.Supported by Rancho Cucamonga & Community and Art Foundation Grant and Chaffey Community Museum of Art.
Susan Linn